This star tank India startup Auli lifestyle has raised INR 75 lakhs for the equity of 15% from the shark tank India. Shark Namita Thapar, CEO and founder of Emcure pharmaceutical, invested in this startup. Aishwarya Biswas founded this startup.

There are a lot of abroad made products in the market. But the demand for ayurvedic products has picked up some pace in the market. People are now using ayurvedic swadeshi products as it is free of chemicals and ayurvedic products are swadeshi.

The original ask by the pitcher is INR 75 lakhs for the equity of 4%. Anupam and Peyush took a step back. Asher requested Aishwarya as a co-founder, but she declined, and he withdrew as well. Aman Gupta was hesitant to invest since he wasn’t sure if Aishwarya could build it up. Namita countered with a 75 lakh offer for 20% equity. The pitcher requested a slight increase in equity. Namita then asked for an 18% stake in the company. For 75 lakhs, Aishwarya counters for 15% equity and Namita Thapar finally agreed, and the deal was final.

About Auli Lifestyle

The company specializes in creating Ayurvedic cosmetics. In recent years, women have been increasingly interested in makeup and beauty products, the majority of which are detrimental to the skin. The products provide the skin with a smooth, wrinkle-free appearance. You can look 20 years old at the age of 40. The company has 15000 consumers, with 57 percent of them returning. The company has physical storefronts and a presence on all leading e-commerce platforms. When Namita asks if she will continue to work in this business if her family wants her to marry, she responds. Aishwarya claimed she smiled and left it at that. Currently, the company employs 15 people. Revenue for the fiscal year 2019-20 is estimated to be around 35 lakhs, 120 lakhs for the fiscal year 2020-21, and 250 lakhs for the fiscal year 2020-21.

Word of mouth, social media, and websites account for 75% of sales, with 15% coming from other websites and 10% from WhatsApp and offline salons. Their gross profit margin is around 80%. This startup has raised a total of Rs. 1.25 crore at a valuation of Rs. 10 crores. A total of four other investors have contributed money to the company. She had requested a marketing and advertising offer.

Problem Solved By Auli Lifestyle

This startup produces ayurvedic products that are good for skin and health, free of chemicals, preservatives, and other synthetic materials. The startup does not use any animal products, so it is cruelty-free.

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