Sharma ji ka aata has raised 40 lakhs rupees from shark tank season 2. Anupam invested in this startup. Pitchers made an ask of 40 lakhs for 10% equity in the company. Anupam finalized the deal for 40 lakhs rupees in exchange for 20% equity in the company.

At the start of the pitch, Amit offers 20 lakhs for 25% equity and 20 lakhs debt at a 12% interest rate. Vineeta’s counteroffer was 20 lakhs for 20% equity and 20 lakhs debt at 12% interest. Later Amit and Vineeta offered 20 lakhs for 20% equity and 20 lakhs debt at 12% interest. The pitcher’s counter offer was 30 lakhs rupees for 20% equity and 10 lakhs debt at a 12% interest rate. Anupam’s counters were for 40 lakhs rupees for 20% equity. Again Amit and Vineeta offered 30 lakhs for 20% equity and 10 lakhs rupees debt at a 0% interest rate.

Also, Read Amore Has Raised INR 75 Lakhs From Shark Tank season 2. Anupam has invested in this startup. Pitchers made an ask for 75 lakhs rupees for 4% equity in the company.

About Sharma ji ka aata

Pranav Sharma and Sangeeta Sharma founded the company. They are from Pune. Pranav handles the operations along with a job from the year 2017. Sangeeta hasn’t spent money on marketing but used to post in different free groups from around 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. So anyone will see the notifications, reminding them that they have to buy aata today.

Sharma ji ki aata was started in the year 2015. We always want to cook something healthy and don’t want our family to consume unhealthy foods. This story comes from a family who used to eat chakki ka aata, which is healthy and chemical-free. They tried to understand and focus on the problems and needs of the common people. Sharma ji ka aata is available across all the leading stores in Pune, with 40 varieties of aata in their SKUs. Their 4000 customers are on board, and their best-selling product is Sharbati ka aata. After that second best-selling product is multigrain aata. One 5kg packet costs around 275 rupees. They aim to spread their business all over India. 

Sharma ji aata business statistics:

In the year 2020-2021, the sales were 12 lakhs rupees. In 2021-2022 the sales were 27 lakhs rupees. Projected sales for this year are 40 lakhs rupees. The company’s gross margin is 63%, and the net margin is 38%. By grinding the grains people bring to them, they earned net revenue of 80000 to 90000 rupees. 20% of the sales are from their website, 25% is from WhatsApp, 15% is from marketplaces, 15% is from offline retail, 20% is from their stores, and 5% is from local vendors.

Problem solved by Sharma ji ka aata

 They have started it to provide a solution to people looking for lower adulteration, healthier versions, and even lesser chemical content in their daily food routine to provide freshly milled atta of your choice. According to them, the farms’ soils where these staples’ cultivation happens haven’t been messed up and tempered with harsh chemicals and fertilizers. Also, they consciously opt for grains their customers can customize as per their needs without compromising on quality.

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2 years ago

[…] Read Sharma ji ka aata has raised 40 lakhs rupees from shark tank season 2. Anupam invested in this […]

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